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Welcome to the Grandmaster H.K. Lee Academy of TaeKwonDo. This special Academy is dedicated to maintaining high quality martial art instruction and the continued advancement and promotion of TaeKwonDo. This TaeKwonDo Academy is established to elevate the public’s understanding of this ancient art, to research the advancement of physical techniques, better health, moral character, and personal discipline. It has the responsibility to develop programs for all types of individuals so that they can benefit from TaeKwonDo practice and philosophy. It is a mission of the Grandmaster H.K. Lee Academy of TaeKwonDo to help all persons become champions of their own life and develop one’s fullest potential mentally, physically and philosophically; to succeed in one’s education, family and work. Ultimately, achieving happiness, harmony and world peace.


Opening Hours

24/7 Open
Work Time

Meet the Owner

Profle Picture Gail Lee Owner

Welcome to the Grandmaster H.K. Lee Academy of TaeKwonDo. This special Academy is dedicated to maintaining high quality martial art instruction and the continued advancement and promotion of TaeKwonDo. This TaeKwonDo Academy is established to elevate the public’s understanding of this ancient art, to research the advancement of physical techniques, better health, moral character, and personal ... more

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